Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Mrs. Hume
Chair of the PTA
Secretary of the PTA
Mother of Harrison

Mrs. Henry
Vice-Chair of the PTA
Mother of Lyla

Mrs. Thacker
Treasurer of the PTA
Mother of Harry

Mrs. Arlene Hewitson-Townley
Member of the PTA
Mother of Elodie

Mrs. Rogerson
Member of the PTA
Mother of Thea

Ms. Chubb
Member of the PTA
Mother of Seth
Who we are:
Welcome from the PTA of Ashdon Primary School. We are a small friendly group of parents, guardians and teachers who enjoy helping to raise funds for our wonderful village school. We like to arrange activities that not only the children and their families will enjoy taking part in but also the community within the village and surrounding villages.
Our fund raising activities include our very popular 10k and 5k Fun Run, Quiz Night, Christmas Fair, Easter Egg Hunt, Colour Run, World Book Day Film Afternoon,Disco Night among others events.
What we do with the funds we raise:
The funds that we raise go towards subsidising school trips, equipment requested by the teachers and children, books and visits from various workshops.
We would love to welcome new members, however much time you can give. If you have any fresh or new ideas please get in touch, we would love to hear them.
Donations of time, items for sale, raffle prizes or just helping on the day of an event would be fantastic as this ensures our events are successful.
If you would like to find out more about how you can help or the date of the next meeting, please contact our chairperson.