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At Ashdon Primary School, we are mathematicians! We believe that all pupils can achieve within mathematics and can become ‘masters’ of the subject. They can develop a love and enjoyment of it whilst becoming independent problem solvers. We aim for pupils to embrace a ‘can do’ attitude to their learning and for them to become confident and competent in all areas of mathematics.

In line with the National Curriculum, we aim to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time. Pupils should develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately; reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry; conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. They should also be able to solve problems by applying their mathematical skills and knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps. Most importantly they should show tenacity and perseverance in seeking mathematical solutions.


At Ashdon Primary School, we have chosen to follow the ‘Hamilton Trust Maths’ scheme to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum. This also enables consistency in the progression of strategies and vocabulary in pupils' development through school. Mathematics is taught daily throughout school. A concrete, pictorial and abstract approach is used to embed key concepts and allow pupils the opportunity to have practical experience of an area of learning to begin with to build confidence. This will regularly include the use of a variety of manipulatives to help develop conceptual understanding and for the pupils to subsequently make links to mathematical symbols. Pupils are able to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills within lessons ensuring a broad and deep understanding of mathematics. 'Stretch' challenges are provided for pupils to progress to after demonstrating their initial understanding of a concept. Mathematical talk is encouraged to help pupils use and apply the key vocabulary through regular peer activities. Lessons involve recap and recall tasks allowing pupils to revisit previous learning, develop fluency or practise a skill which will be required within the lesson. New learning is introduced often with pictorial representations or opportunities to use concrete resources.


Learning is carefully modelled, and pupils are given the opportunities to practise newly acquired skills. Challenges and ‘stretch’ activities are shared with all pupils to discuss, allowing all pupils the chance to apply their understanding. Independent tasks mostly begin with fluency tasks allowing pupils to achieve the intended learning before progressing to reasoning and problem solving ‘stretch’ activities. There are regular opportunities to review learning to ensure pupils are not left behind and can be targeted for support through the use of Teaching Assistants in classes. Power Point Presentations from ‘Hamilton Trust Maths’ are used as the basis for planning, but these are adapted as necessary to ensure the needs of the class are met. When marking, pupils receive immediate feedback about their successes or misconceptions in the lesson and can be targeted for additional support. Pupils self mark, peer mark and make corrections in green pen. Pupils receive regular ‘practise’ tasks allowing them to review their learning and complete further challenges around this. ‘Maths Do Now Activities’ take place when pupils walk into classes in the morning to allow them the opportunity to practise a range of maths skills and consolidate their understanding of these. The sessions include teaching identified whole class gaps in learning, as well as continuing to develop the pupils' fluency and arithmetic skills. They may also pre-empt future units to be taught in ‘Hamilton Trust Maths’ lessons by allowing pupils to practise the learned skills of previous year groups. Assessments through PUMA tests are used to identify gaps in learning and to subsequently allow for the planning of interventions for pupils who require this. In particular, pupils for whom the school receives pupil premium funding and pupils with a related identified SEND in mathematics.


The impact of the teaching of mathematics is assessed throughout the year using regular termly assessments. These are then used to inform teachers of areas of strengths and weaknesses within their class which are then targeted through interventions, ‘Maths Do Now Activities’ and other consolidation activities such as morning tasks. Discussions about the identified pupils and groups within classes take place in pupil progress meetings with teachers and SLT. After this has taken place for all classes, whole school analysis takes place with the findings discussed with school governors. Termly parent’s evenings which include progress reports are used. This all ensures that all members of the school community are kept informed and up to date about the impact of teaching within school. Judgements and standards are regularly monitored with termly planning checks, learning walks and book looks with constructive feedback given to support. As a result, we believe the impact of our curriculum will allow our pupils to become confident, skilled mathematicians who develop a love of the subject, achieve within our primary setting and continue to do so in secondary school and in their adult lives.

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